Tuesday, June 28, 2011

When in Rome....

                                          Arch of Constantine
                                        They really should watch what you do at the tomb of Cecilia Metele
                              Me and the Arch of Constantine.... look how red my hair is turning...
                                        Me and Trajan's Column....

                                                    The monument to Victor Emmanuel II

Rome.. The first night we bumbled around Rome… looking for a night life that didn’t exist any where near where we were.  The following morning we took to the streets heading to the Colosseum.  The main group went into the behemoth… while Angela and I walked to streets slowly to the Circus Maximus, where we met back up with Mike.  We journeyed further onward to the Appian Way.  The Appian Way was a bit like false advertising to me.  In the books and postcards it shows a beautiful old large stoned basalt road, the original one used by the Romans to enter and exit the city.  The current Appian Way is actually a narrow road lined by a wall on each side where the drivers nearly kill you if you don’t stay inside the 1 foot curb.  But in a very cool way are the original catacombs from the 2nd and 3rd centuries... I have no pictures of these...since they didn't let us take pictures... but... Mike did steal a few shots... so I'll see if I can get a few off of him.  .... up next walking the streets of Rome at Night!

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