Monday, June 13, 2011


I’m loving Italy. It’s taking me a bit to upload since a storm knocked the satellite dish, that gives internet to the villa, out of alignment. Until the company comes out to repair it I’ll only be able to upload from cyber cafes…when we go into town. As I’m sure you can see from my photos that’s not in walking distance. The food is amazing and I feel like I’m living in a painting….a painting where people eat slowly, but drive entirely too quickly…in very small cars. Classes start tomorrow. The students here with me are great. I have two roommates: Jodi and Alisha. They’re pretty cool.. I think we’ll get along well. We took a walk this morning into the upper hills beyond the villa. The views around the farms up there are fantastic. There is also a small little church called San Cresci. Apparently the original Saint Creci lived there before he was martyred in the 4th century, and that was his church. The same church that I saw a young couple who was just married coming running out of, while church bells rang. Capitigano itself was an outpost for the Romans… The Romans!... like 1AD! And in the middle ages the room I’m staying in was one of the bedrooms for the nuns who used the building as a convent. …and they believe that the Etruscans lived on this hill. They say that the Cyprus trees were considered holy, because of their shape, and they were used to create spiritual barriers. The trees completely surround Capitigano, so this hilltop was most likely the site of an Etruscan temple…. I am blown away by the fact that the area that I’m casually lounging back typing on a computer on is so historic.

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