Tuesday, June 28, 2011

amidst the towers of San Gimignano

On Friday we left Capitignano early to trek it out to San Gimignano.  San Gimignano is a quaint little medieval city.  The city has a unique silhouette, it has dozens of tall towers…. Remnants from it’s days making and dying bolts of fabric.  We went into a couple of churches, but couldn’t go in the really tall tower because it was closed for cleaning… booo.   I truly loved this city..  We could wander down very small streets and then into shops selling everything from leather to meat.  After San Gimignano we hurried over to Siena… where I walked the city with a very heavy bag.  We caught our first train towards Rome here.  The train ride was… interesting.  It was very crowded… so crowded in fact I got the pleasure of standing for the duration of the ride.  For added fun the train had no lights… so as we began going through tunnels we’d be plunged into pitch-blackness.  Since I was standing next to my friend Angela’s seat I took advantage of the darkness to pull a “Euro Trip moment”… mi scuzi mi scuzi,.,,,,,it made me laugh to the point that I was crying on the floor of the train. The second train was even worse… we had seats but no air-conditioning… or windows that would open… It was so hot this past weekend that I literally started to melt. 

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