Wednesday, June 15, 2011

extra photos for you...

Here are two photos from my trip to Florence: Church of San Lorenzo and the Duomo.  Also there are two pictures from Capitigano: the view from the pool (not that it's warm enough to swim in) and the silhouette of Jodi (roommate) looking out the dining room window.  Yes, Vicki you may paint it.  I thought instantly of your show, just give me source credit.   My favorite part of this photo are the reflections in the finestra (Italian for window).  I just finished my second painting of the day.  I feel very good about the progress that I am making.  I have about an hour of free time coming up.  So, I think I'm going to write some postcards.  Keep your eyes open in the next two weeks for them to be coming in the mail.  Also, I'll send anybody something, reciprocate if you will... if they send me a letter or something better.  

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