Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sunrise at the villa

I got up early this morning to paint the sunrise... rather my paranoia about spiders got me up at 4:50 am... and woke Jodi up... *sorry Jodi*... so we got up to paint the sunrise... the most beautiful sunrise in history... and my painting isn't too bad either.  I'll post my painting as soon as I have uploaded the pictures.  After my painting session I flooded our bathroom and bedroom...a nice gift from an overflowing shower.  I used maybe 20 towels, ones we had laying around the room.  In a moment of desperation I ran down stairs, arms over flowing with towels, and in my broken Italian tried to tell our caretaker Maria about the flood...and how we needed new towels.  I might have fixed the internet this morning... I'm trying to upload a video... we'll see if it actually uploads or not... if not I'll try to put up a photo for you guys *no video..but the photo is of me and Tracy, with our Duomo Dome umbrellas, in front of the Duomo in Florence*.   If this continues to be the case then I will only be able to upload videos at internet cafes, most likely only once a week.  It's been an exciting day so far, at only 8:09 am: spiders, sunrises, awesome painting, floods and fixing the internet.   Tomorrow we're off to Florence... alora (that means "then") we are going to go into Lucca for a day-trip on Saturday.  Lucca, if you watch Borgias was the city the French army decimated, and it's the only Italian city with the original medieval city wall still intact. You can actually rent bikes and ride along on the top of wall, looking down on the city and the valley.  Sounds like it will be a fun day.  *special thanks to Anja's mom who suggested it, as her "favorite place in Italy"* 

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