Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Some random snippets

The painting that I did yesterday... and touched up today... with a glare :( ...the cost to make this painting was one tick's life...
              my first attempt at landscape painting in oils... it's only 3x4 inches... uber small.
 Me getting my kitten fix... the cat here has 2 very adorable kittens... I managed to wrangle on of them.
 Me and My friends at the bar(in Italy bar means cafe..not bar) waiting for our bus in Faenza.  Si Chiami (their names) from left to right are: Angela, Tracy, Mike, Nick...and you know that last bozo.
Friday's Dinner..... Roasted Chicken rubbed under the skin with fresh basil and rosemary, and buttery seasoned potatoes... delicious doesn't begin to describe it.  The wine on the table is all made on premises, from the mini-vineyard on the hill below us. ... It is made in the local Tuscan style and even for being from last fall is quite palatable.

So, there a good possibility that I may be going to Rome this weekend. Our trip to Ravenna was so successful that my friends who went with me really want to see the cool extra stuff in Rome that I won't get a chance to see when I travel there at the end of next month with Todd.  I may be hijacking their trip since I'll be by passing all the highlights... but they seem very excited by the idea... and who am I to let them down. Friday our class is going to San Gimigiano in the morning, followed by Siena at night.  After our touring there we will hop a train to Rome and spend two nights in a youth hostel.  All added up it will be about 90 euros ($150) to do the trip...not counting food and extras.  Not terribly bad I think. So, a busy weekend ahead of me. ........ the following weekend.. I'm going to trip it to Switzerland... more about that later.

1 comment:

  1. Your artwork is great! The first one should be named "The Tick"
    Oh Swiss clocks and Swiss chocolate!!!
    By the way I showed Led and Zep you with the other kitten and they moving in with me......
