Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How about a tour of the place.

We have internet now so I should be posting a bit more frequently.... however... it's not strong enough to post videos... sad I know.. So I will post videos when I can get to internet cafes on day trips...   We went into Florence yesterday... hence the new post.  I will post some pictures from that trip tomorrow.  We will also be doing a Giotto tour of Florence on Thursday.  So lots to come.  We also had our first day of painting today.  Despite my fears I didn't do terribly bad.  Sergei (my painting instructor...yes I'm learning painting from a Russian teacher in Italy) said that I get an A for my work for the day.  YAY! My Italian language skills are also coming around nicely.  I helped a bunch of the students here today purchase cell phones at the local store, and I use every chance I can to speak with the fluent speakers here.  I'd say for just doing a little bit of audio "How to Speak Italian" I've been more than successful on our outings. Anywho... I smell the best tasting food in the world, our cook Massimo is an aspiring chef and he tests out all his dishes on us... say good-bye to the 16 pounds I managed to lose.   This food is too good practice portion control... not a joke.. best food ever.  I may take some pictures of tonight's dinner just to prove it to you.

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