Saturday, July 30, 2011

....end of Capitignano...

 pretty cyprus trees
 Last painting of Capitignano
 end of program art show
 My work at the end of program art show
 my drawing of the Ponte Vecchio... man it was hot that day... I only lasted 20 mins... but i sat on a bridge and painted!
 Laundry hanging on the line
 The Ponte Vecchio the day I drew it
MY last painting..... it was windy and raining but I stuck through it... long enough to painting something decent

So my last days at Capitignano have come and gone.  We ended the program with a big show/bbq.  I actually sold 3 paintings... my first 3 paintings... go fig... although technically I traded Mark, my teacher, a painting for a steak lunch.  Everything was wonderful.  I will really miss that place.  I was unbelievable wonderful.

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