Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Contact Info....

I just recieved my handbook for the summer.  Here is some of the info they gave me on the area I will be staying in:                         
"Besides being a thriving agricultural community, the Mugello area has a rich cultural heritage. Vicchio, Giotto’s and Fra Angelico’s birthplace is 5 kilometers away with a small museum dedicated to their works. Having long been a popular spot for the summer homes of the Florentine nobility, as well as the home of the Medici family, the countryside is peppered with noble buildings, including grand Medici villas and castles. The great mountaintop monastery of Monte Senario, rich with art across six centuries, looks over the city of Borgo San Lorenzo to the north and Florence to the south.  In the expansive view of the Mugello Valley, one sees the nearby town of Borgo San Lorenzo. This town was born around the court of the Ubaldini family, where once there was an ancient Roman village. It has always been the most important town of the Mugello valley, largely because it is strategically located on the via Bolognese, the ancient road that connects Bologna and Florence. It has a fine ceramics museum and beautiful churches and picturesque streets. The history of the Mugello also spans to more recent times, as testified by World War II sites such as small monuments to American, British and Italian partisan soldiers killed in battle and the massive, moving German War Cemetery at the top of the Futa Pass on the way to Bologna. Northern Tuscany is somewhat of a hidden and preserved piece of Italy where traditional culture and traditions have not been spoiled by tourism."

Here is my mailing address while I am in Italy.  It's always nice to get mail from home... hint... hint.  Also, I'll send a little something to anyone who gives me an address... or sends me a little piece of home while I'm away.
Note* remember that when you mail things out of the country you need to add "USA" under your address*

Address Mail To:
Jennifer Nitschke
San Cresci
I-50032 Borgo San Lorenzo (FI)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

One month from now

I'll be wandering around the Florence Airport!..... so I thought that I'd post the link of where I'll be staying.
It's about 20 minutes north of Florence

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Count Down Begins

We only have 38 days until I fly out!!! Right now I'm getting my stuff together that I'll need to travel.